..mlm tu layan citer Santau, dah ler midnite pastu tgk citer seram lak, mmg mencabar sungguh bg aku yg penakut nih haha..sblm tu makan2 and aktiviti posing of coz ler ade kann..bile tgk pic rasa cam kat oversea lak, kebetulan memasing pkai baju sejuk hehe..:P
Saturday, December 12, 2009
midnite movie
jarang tgk midnite movie..aritu sbb tiket dah fully book, yg tinggal lak hanya midnite terpaksa la amik coz dah sampai kan..saje abiskan masa jenjalan, menikmati suasana malam with my dear friends hehe :D
..mlm tu layan citer Santau, dah ler midnite pastu tgk citer seram lak, mmg mencabar sungguh bg aku yg penakut nih haha..sblm tu makan2 and aktiviti posing of coz ler ade kann..bile tgk pic rasa cam kat oversea lak, kebetulan memasing pkai baju sejuk hehe..:P

..mlm tu layan citer Santau, dah ler midnite pastu tgk citer seram lak, mmg mencabar sungguh bg aku yg penakut nih haha..sblm tu makan2 and aktiviti posing of coz ler ade kann..bile tgk pic rasa cam kat oversea lak, kebetulan memasing pkai baju sejuk hehe..:P
My Spy
a bit late but nak story gak..berkesempatan menonton My Spy preview at GSC Mid Valley atas jemputan KRU..yup as KRU-crew kenelah tolong promosikan hehe..ramai gak artis datang pd mlm tu esp barisan pelakon My Spy and Adam yg terlibat dlm ost My Spy dengan lagu Menggegar Dunia with Stacy..yup mmg meletups yer tat song and the film is so funny..mmg enjoy ar :D
AJ berperwatakan gila-gila dan buta warna. Salleh adalah pesara polis yang bercita-cita untuk mengubah sistem rang undang-undang di Malaysia dengan gajet-gajet hebat ciptaannya. walaubagaimanapun, mereka ini saling membenci antara satu sama lain. Namun atas ketentuan takdir, mereka terpaksa berganding bahu untuk menyelesaikan kes terbesar yang pernah mereka kendalikan.
Mereka berdua ini berdepan dengan dua kembar yang merupakan penjenayah dan perompak yang licik, seorang setiausaha yang seksi dan ketua pencuri lukisan-lukisan antarabangsa.
Dengan himpunan barisan pelakon komedi dan adegan kejar mengejar, MySpy merupakan gabungan Inspector Gadget, Bad Boys dan James Bond yang diolah mengikut humor Malaysia dan kesan visual yang menarik dibawah olahan Yusry Abdul Halim yang pernah mencapai kejayaan filem bertaraf box office melalui filem Cicakman dan Duyung.
Terbitan : KRU Studios
Arahan : Afdlin Shauki
at Korea Plaza
weee..its holiday time!...i went to Korea Plaza..
pada yg kenal, sure tau aku ni mmg crazy bout Korean drama and artis..
so sempena my birthday i treat myself with Korean environment haha..sampai sana jumpe my K-Pop aka my A.N.JELL friends (fizzy, intan, aina and nina)..had a great time with them..even baru first time jumpe dah mcm lama kenal..coz selama ni borak tru internet jer..
kat sana kitorg dapat try pakai Hanbok (pakaian tradisional Korea), tgk dorg practice Korean dance and tonton filem Korea, best sgt..amik pic of coz ler kan hehe..

pada yg kenal, sure tau aku ni mmg crazy bout Korean drama and artis..
so sempena my birthday i treat myself with Korean environment haha..sampai sana jumpe my K-Pop aka my A.N.JELL friends (fizzy, intan, aina and nina)..had a great time with them..even baru first time jumpe dah mcm lama kenal..coz selama ni borak tru internet jer..
kat sana kitorg dapat try pakai Hanbok (pakaian tradisional Korea), tgk dorg practice Korean dance and tonton filem Korea, best sgt..amik pic of coz ler kan hehe..
Thursday, December 10, 2009
my birthday
Alhamdulillah kerana Allah masih memanjangkan usiaku...syukur segala nikmat yg diberi..
doakan semoga aku sihat walafiat dan dapat menjalankan ibadah sebagai hambaNya..
Terima kasih tak terhingga buat keluarga dan sahabat handai yg sentiasa memberi sokongan dan bantuan..jasa kalian semua tak mampu ku balas..hanya Allah yg dapat membalasnya..
kebetulan ari yg sama my company anjur dinner with our CEO Group..kira makan besar ler mlm tu..aku beli 2 kek..1 utk level 25, 1 lg utk level 26..tanda ingatan and my appreciation to my colleague.. :D
and thanks for the birthday surprise guys..walaupun sederhana tp happy sgt..dah mencecah double three ni segan lak.. :P
thanks for the wish and gifts my dear friends..really appreciate it :)
Friday, November 27, 2009
What Should I Do
minggu ni berakhirlah drama Nur Kasih and You're Beautiful...
suka sangat dgn kedua-dua drama ni..memang ikuti dari mula hingga akhir..
suratan atau kebetulan..kedua-dua drama ni mempunyai sedikit persamaan..
masing2 mempersoalkan apakah tindakan yg bakal diambil..or What Should I Do..
pertanyaan yg bermain di minda..adakah aku seyakin dan sekuat mereka, berani mengejar cinta yg diimpikan..
kata2 yg simple..tp memberi kesan yg mendalam...
meh hayati lirik lagu ni (from You're Beautiful OST)..
As I let you walk another step away, it brings tears to my eyes
As you walk another step away, it brings tears to my eyes
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t approach
I can’t hold onto you, I can only cry
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heart
All day, I try to erase you but I keep thinking of you
All day, I say goodbye but I think of you again
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t go
I can’t find you, I can only cry
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heart
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re still the one for me
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me
because I’m only crying out with my heart
...aku hanya mampu berdoa dan berserah pada takdir...
suka sangat dgn kedua-dua drama ni..memang ikuti dari mula hingga akhir..
suratan atau kebetulan..kedua-dua drama ni mempunyai sedikit persamaan..
masing2 mempersoalkan apakah tindakan yg bakal diambil..or What Should I Do..
pertanyaan yg bermain di minda..adakah aku seyakin dan sekuat mereka, berani mengejar cinta yg diimpikan..
kata2 yg simple..tp memberi kesan yg mendalam...
meh hayati lirik lagu ni (from You're Beautiful OST)..
As I let you walk another step away, it brings tears to my eyes
As you walk another step away, it brings tears to my eyes
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t approach
I can’t hold onto you, I can only cry
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heart
All day, I try to erase you but I keep thinking of you
All day, I say goodbye but I think of you again
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t go
I can’t find you, I can only cry
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heart
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re still the one for me
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me
because I’m only crying out with my heart
...aku hanya mampu berdoa dan berserah pada takdir...
Labaikallah humma labaik. Labaikallah syarikala kalabaik. Innalhamda wani’mata. La ka Wamulkalla syarikala
Laungan yg seringkali kita dengar, memuji kebesaran Allah pada setiap kali tibanya musim Haji iaitu pada bulan Zulhijjah. 10 Zulhijjah adalah hari di mana seluruh umat Islam menyambut hari kebesaran Aidiladha atau Hari Raya Qurban..dan seperti yg kita sedia maklum pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s dalam menjalankan perintah Allah supaya mengorbankan anaknya, Nabi Ismail a.s. seringkali menjadi tauladan.
Amati dan hayatilah supaya kita benar-benar dapat menyingkap maksud Aidiladha itu sendiri..hanya Islam satu-satunya cara hidup yang lengkap dan sempurna...cara hidup yang lengkap dan sempurna bermaksud, Islam yang diimani ini, mestilah dihayati dan diamalkan dalam segenap aspek kehidupan, mencakupi akidah, syariat, siasah (politik), ekonomi, pendidikan, kemasyarakatan, perundangan, akhlak dan sebagainya.
Islam yang kita anuti ini, bukanlah hanya sekadar ibadah ritual sahaja..Oleh itu setiap pengorbanan yg kita lakukan demi kerana Allah Taala pasti mendapat ganjaran..
Semoga kita semua menjadi hambaNya yg soleh dan beriman..amiin.
Salam Aidiladha pada semua ahli keluarga, sahabat handai dan pengunjung blog ini..ikhlas dari saya, Ida.

ps: doakan semoga dapat menjalani ibadah Haji dan Umrah yg sempurna sebelum menghembuskan nafas yg terakhir..
Laungan yg seringkali kita dengar, memuji kebesaran Allah pada setiap kali tibanya musim Haji iaitu pada bulan Zulhijjah. 10 Zulhijjah adalah hari di mana seluruh umat Islam menyambut hari kebesaran Aidiladha atau Hari Raya Qurban..dan seperti yg kita sedia maklum pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim a.s dalam menjalankan perintah Allah supaya mengorbankan anaknya, Nabi Ismail a.s. seringkali menjadi tauladan.
Amati dan hayatilah supaya kita benar-benar dapat menyingkap maksud Aidiladha itu sendiri..hanya Islam satu-satunya cara hidup yang lengkap dan sempurna...cara hidup yang lengkap dan sempurna bermaksud, Islam yang diimani ini, mestilah dihayati dan diamalkan dalam segenap aspek kehidupan, mencakupi akidah, syariat, siasah (politik), ekonomi, pendidikan, kemasyarakatan, perundangan, akhlak dan sebagainya.
Islam yang kita anuti ini, bukanlah hanya sekadar ibadah ritual sahaja..Oleh itu setiap pengorbanan yg kita lakukan demi kerana Allah Taala pasti mendapat ganjaran..
Semoga kita semua menjadi hambaNya yg soleh dan beriman..amiin.
Salam Aidiladha pada semua ahli keluarga, sahabat handai dan pengunjung blog ini..ikhlas dari saya, Ida.

ps: doakan semoga dapat menjalani ibadah Haji dan Umrah yg sempurna sebelum menghembuskan nafas yg terakhir..
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
more A.N.JELL
my latest addiction :P ..actually dah few weeks hehe..
so sad that You're Beautiful drama will end this week...sob!sob!..
gonna miss my A.N.JELL..TaeKyung, ShinWoo, Jeremy and Minam/Minyeo
just wanna share..
my new mouse pointer-animated ANJELL...thanks to fizzy..cute kan ;)

download ANJELL pointer or cursor
the cast of SBS’s You’re Beautiful with fans at ANJELL mini-concert on 23rd November, 2009..i wish i were there huhu..

my future mobile :P ..gonna be Samsung Corby - white like minam hehe..

my fabulous black ANJELL :D

so sad that You're Beautiful drama will end this week...sob!sob!..
gonna miss my A.N.JELL..TaeKyung, ShinWoo, Jeremy and Minam/Minyeo
just wanna share..
my new mouse pointer-animated ANJELL...thanks to fizzy..cute kan ;)

download ANJELL pointer or cursor
the cast of SBS’s You’re Beautiful with fans at ANJELL mini-concert on 23rd November, 2009..i wish i were there huhu..

my future mobile :P ..gonna be Samsung Corby - white like minam hehe..

my fabulous black ANJELL :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fly Me To The Moon
TaeKyung & Minam sing together scene in Episode 13 - You're Beautiful..enjoy! :D
Fly Me To The Moon Lyric
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you..
..so cute ^_^
here the old version..
Oh it's often use many words to say a simple thing
It takes thought and time and rhyme
To make a poem sing
With music and words I've been playing
For you I have written this song
To be sure you known what I'm saying
I'll translate as I go along
Fly me to the moon,
And let me play among the stars.
Let me see what spring is like,
On Jupiter and Mars.
In other words, hold my hand,
In other words, darling kiss me.
Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing forever more,
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore,
In other words, please be true,
In other words, I love you.
Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing forever more,
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore,
In other words, please be true,
In other words, I love you.
Fly Me To The Moon Lyric
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you..
..so cute ^_^
here the old version..
Oh it's often use many words to say a simple thing
It takes thought and time and rhyme
To make a poem sing
With music and words I've been playing
For you I have written this song
To be sure you known what I'm saying
I'll translate as I go along
Fly me to the moon,
And let me play among the stars.
Let me see what spring is like,
On Jupiter and Mars.
In other words, hold my hand,
In other words, darling kiss me.
Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing forever more,
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore,
In other words, please be true,
In other words, I love you.
Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing forever more,
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore,
In other words, please be true,
In other words, I love you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
You're Beautiful OST Part 2
to A.N.JELL fans...
You're Beautiful 미남이시네요 OST Part 2
01. 바보라서 (I'm A Fool) - Park Sang-Woo (박상우)
02. 말도없이 (Without A Word) - Jang Geun-Seuk (장근석)
03. 어떡하죠 (What Should I Do) - Park Da-Ye (박다예)
04. Good Bye - Jang Geun-Seuk (장근석)
05. Lovely Day (Acoustic Ver) - Park Shin-Hye (박신혜)
06. 어떻하죠 (What Should I Do) (Instrumental)
07. Good Bye (Instrumental)
08. 바보라서 (I'm A Fool) (Inst.)

What should I do? All I can do is gaze at you
I can't even extend you a short greeting
My achingly cold hand, don't hold it
Now I have to let you go
What should I do? You grow further away
My chest fills with tears
Even though I try hard to hide it, I can't stop
What should I do with this love I can't end
Please don't forget that we loved each other
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Gathering my sorrowful tears, goodbye
I've done nothing for you
Pitifully I've only left you with scars
You who embraced even my changed feelings
Now I have to let you go. What should I do?
Please don't forget that we loved each other
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Even though the pain stops my breath and my tears fall
Please don't forget that we were happy
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Now I have to let go of this love that was unable to connect
The only person who will make me smile is you
Even though as my love deepens I feel more pain
Please don't forget that we were happy
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Gathering my sorrowful tears, the only thing I can do is say...

..huhu lyric lagu drama ni sooo touching..
You're Beautiful 미남이시네요 OST Part 2
01. 바보라서 (I'm A Fool) - Park Sang-Woo (박상우)
02. 말도없이 (Without A Word) - Jang Geun-Seuk (장근석)
03. 어떡하죠 (What Should I Do) - Park Da-Ye (박다예)
04. Good Bye - Jang Geun-Seuk (장근석)
05. Lovely Day (Acoustic Ver) - Park Shin-Hye (박신혜)
06. 어떻하죠 (What Should I Do) (Instrumental)
07. Good Bye (Instrumental)
08. 바보라서 (I'm A Fool) (Inst.)

What should I do? All I can do is gaze at you
I can't even extend you a short greeting
My achingly cold hand, don't hold it
Now I have to let you go
What should I do? You grow further away
My chest fills with tears
Even though I try hard to hide it, I can't stop
What should I do with this love I can't end
Please don't forget that we loved each other
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Gathering my sorrowful tears, goodbye
I've done nothing for you
Pitifully I've only left you with scars
You who embraced even my changed feelings
Now I have to let you go. What should I do?
Please don't forget that we loved each other
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Even though the pain stops my breath and my tears fall
Please don't forget that we were happy
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Now I have to let go of this love that was unable to connect
The only person who will make me smile is you
Even though as my love deepens I feel more pain
Please don't forget that we were happy
Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh
The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you that I loved
Gathering my sorrowful tears, the only thing I can do is say...

..huhu lyric lagu drama ni sooo touching..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Through My Window / TM
layan sey lagu ni...
tengok iklan TM cute sgt..ingat lagu dari indie band oversea, rupenyer Bunkface...so ape lagi meh ler support our local band kan.. ;)
Through My Window - Bunkface
i Dont want much, I just want everything
Thought that I could, do almost anything
One step in front of the other
Thought that I could do it alone
In the blink of an eye, it's just another day
Telling me why, I'll find another way
Got this feeling, got me reeling
I can almost start believing
Now there's me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there's
More than you and more than me
Me and you
And we are not alone
Different view
We are together now
Through my window, I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real
I see a spark, it starts a fire
Is this the one worth waiting for?
Thought that I could do it without you
Cant exist like this anymore
Now there's me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there's
More than you and more than me
Now theres me and you, you and me
We are not alone and we are together
Through my window I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real
...luv sam..so cute ;)
tengok iklan TM cute sgt..ingat lagu dari indie band oversea, rupenyer Bunkface...so ape lagi meh ler support our local band kan.. ;)
Through My Window - Bunkface
i Dont want much, I just want everything
Thought that I could, do almost anything
One step in front of the other
Thought that I could do it alone
In the blink of an eye, it's just another day
Telling me why, I'll find another way
Got this feeling, got me reeling
I can almost start believing
Now there's me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there's
More than you and more than me
Me and you
And we are not alone
Different view
We are together now
Through my window, I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real
I see a spark, it starts a fire
Is this the one worth waiting for?
Thought that I could do it without you
Cant exist like this anymore
Now there's me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there's
More than you and more than me
Now theres me and you, you and me
We are not alone and we are together
Through my window I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real
...luv sam..so cute ;)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Without Saying ..without words..
Without Saying/ Without Words Lyric - Park Shin Hye
i shouldn’t have done that
i should have just ignored it
like something i couldn’t see
like something i can’t see
i shouldn’t have looked at you at all
i should have run away
i should have acted like i didn’t hear it
like something i couldn’t hear
like something i can’t hear
i shouldn’t have listened to love at all
without a word you let me know love
without a word you gave me love
you made me even hold on your breath
but you ran away like this
without a word love leaves me
without a word love tosses me away
what should i say next?
my closed lips were surprised on their own
it came without any words
why does it hurt so much?
why does it hurt continuously?
except for the fact that i can’t see you anymore
and that you are not here anymore
otherwise it is the same as before
(repeat chorus)
without a word tears fall
without a word my heart breaks down
without a word i wait for love
without a word i hurt because of love
i zone out, i become a fool because i cry
looking at the sky
without a word farewell finds me
without a word the end comes to me
i think my heart was surprised
to send you away without any preparation
it came without a word
without a word it comes and leaves
like the fever before
maybe all i need to do is hurt for awhile
because in the end
only scars are left

- You're Beautiful OST -

01 As Ever - Lee Hong Ki
02 Down From Heaven - Oh Won Bin / Miss $
03 Without Words - 9th Street
04 Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye
05 As Ever - Lee Hong Ki feat. Jung Yong Hwa
06 My Heart Is Cursing - Kim Dong Wook
07 Without Words - Park Shin Hye
08 As Ever - A.N.Jell
09 Promise - A.N.Jell
10 Without Words - Piano version
11 As Ever - Bossa version
..beautiful lyric and perfectly describe my heart :'(..
i shouldn’t have done that
i should have just ignored it
like something i couldn’t see
like something i can’t see
i shouldn’t have looked at you at all
i should have run away
i should have acted like i didn’t hear it
like something i couldn’t hear
like something i can’t hear
i shouldn’t have listened to love at all
without a word you let me know love
without a word you gave me love
you made me even hold on your breath
but you ran away like this
without a word love leaves me
without a word love tosses me away
what should i say next?
my closed lips were surprised on their own
it came without any words
why does it hurt so much?
why does it hurt continuously?
except for the fact that i can’t see you anymore
and that you are not here anymore
otherwise it is the same as before
(repeat chorus)
without a word tears fall
without a word my heart breaks down
without a word i wait for love
without a word i hurt because of love
i zone out, i become a fool because i cry
looking at the sky
without a word farewell finds me
without a word the end comes to me
i think my heart was surprised
to send you away without any preparation
it came without a word
without a word it comes and leaves
like the fever before
maybe all i need to do is hurt for awhile
because in the end
only scars are left

- You're Beautiful OST -

01 As Ever - Lee Hong Ki
02 Down From Heaven - Oh Won Bin / Miss $
03 Without Words - 9th Street
04 Lovely Day - Park Shin Hye
05 As Ever - Lee Hong Ki feat. Jung Yong Hwa
06 My Heart Is Cursing - Kim Dong Wook
07 Without Words - Park Shin Hye
08 As Ever - A.N.Jell
09 Promise - A.N.Jell
10 Without Words - Piano version
11 As Ever - Bossa version
..beautiful lyric and perfectly describe my heart :'(..
You're Beautiful - A.N.JELL Korean drama
You're Beautiful new Korean drama yg aku tengah layan online skrg ni...best sangat..memang giler ar dengan group A.N.JELL ni..di Malaysia belum tayang, even kat astro 303 (KBS) pun takde sbb keluaran SBS..thanks to my dear wawa and team at viikii for the hard work, really appreciate it muahs :D
jalan citer drama ni tak menjemukan, kelakar sangat but at the same time so touching, sedih of coz ler ader kan..yup sampai ader satu babak tu aku bole nangis even masa tu subtitle belum up lg, sgt ler emo aku ni kan hehe..bukan per memang terasa sey ;) ..so here some info bout the drama..

Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.
Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung
Park Shin Hye as Go Mi Nam / Go Mi Nyu
Lee Hong Ki as Kang On Yu / Jeremy
Jung Yong Hwa as Kang Shin Woo
jalan citer drama ni tak menjemukan, kelakar sangat but at the same time so touching, sedih of coz ler ader kan..yup sampai ader satu babak tu aku bole nangis even masa tu subtitle belum up lg, sgt ler emo aku ni kan hehe..bukan per memang terasa sey ;) ..so here some info bout the drama..

Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.
Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung
Park Shin Hye as Go Mi Nam / Go Mi Nyu
Lee Hong Ki as Kang On Yu / Jeremy
Jung Yong Hwa as Kang Shin Woo

Monday, October 26, 2009
Lee Min Ho in Malaysia
yup tats true..my dear Lee Min Ho aka Jun Pyo (BBF) in Kuala Lumpur for autograph session and product launching - Etude House on 25 Oct 2009.. I'm so happy and very excited..finally meet him in person..thanks to wawa and k-popped information..sape sangka dia nak datang Malaysia..ye ar artis korea memang susah sikit nak bawak datang sini sbb mahal..kira my wishes did come true..aritu JiHoo, yg ni JunPyo lak..harap2 lagi 2 F4 members akan datang jugak sini nanti..mestilah bf dtg lawat gf kan hehe :P ..I feel blessed..thank you God :)

Theater Cuci The Musical
Berkesempatan menonton theater Cuci The Musical.. memang best and kelakar habis...sesuai untuk seisi keluarga...sgt touching kisah adik beradik ni..dialog bersahaja and ada aksi mendebarkan gak.. klau nak tahu lebih lanjut kene ar gi Istana Budaya..bermula 23 Okt sehingga 8 Nov 2009 :D

CUCI THE MUSICAL berkisahkan tentang empat orang beradik, FAIRIL (Afdlin Shauki), KHAI (Hans Isaac), JOJO (Awie) dan C'TAN (AC Mizal) yang menjalankan sebuah perniagaan 'Cuci-Cuci Services' sebuah syarikat kecil yang mengendalikan perkhidmatan mencuci tingkap - dengan harapan agar satu hari syarikat mereka menjadi antara yang terbaik dan diberi peluang untuk memberi perkhidmatan kepada Menara Berkembar Petronas, KLCC.
Harapan mereka menjadi kenyataan apabila 'Cuci-Cuci Services' telah dijemput untuk memasuki pertandingan mencuci tingkap Olimpik (WWO - Window Washing Olympics), sebuah pertandingan yang di selenggara oleh Citi Jasmin atau lebih dikenali sebagai CJ (Vanida Imran) - yang akan memberi perjanjian tersebut kepada pemenang.
Kebetulan pula, juara bertahan WWO adalah 'Wira Maju' sebuah syarikat yang dimiliki oleh teman lelaki CJ, iaitu WIRA (Harith Iskandar).
Sementara itu, bapa CJ, iaitu Tan Sri (Ramli Hassan) memerhati tingkah laku CJ dengan teliti kerana khuatir anak perempuannya mungkin tidak membuat pilihan yang tepat dengan mengambil WIRA sebagai pasangan hidupnya.
Hubungan antara Khai dan CJ bertambah mesra apabila mereka mula menyukai antara satu sama lain dan pada masa yang sama pembantu peribadi CJ, FARAH (Adibah Noor) pula jatuh hati pada JOJO.
Lalui suka duka, tawa dan tangisan, cinta dan kesedihan perjalanan empat beradik ini.untuk mencapai impian mereka.
Diikuti dengan musik dan lagu yang dialun bersama lirik dan melodi yang tidak dapat dilupakan oleh DOUGLAS LIM dan Pacai (@ DR SYED AHMAD FAIZAL AL-ATTAS), CUCI THE MUSICAL mengisahkan tentang empat beradik yang mengharungi segala kesukaran untuk merealisasi impian mereka akan pasti menambat hati dan jiwa para penonton.
CUCI THE MUSICAL berkisahkan tentang empat orang beradik, FAIRIL (Afdlin Shauki), KHAI (Hans Isaac), JOJO (Awie) dan C'TAN (AC Mizal) yang menjalankan sebuah perniagaan 'Cuci-Cuci Services' sebuah syarikat kecil yang mengendalikan perkhidmatan mencuci tingkap - dengan harapan agar satu hari syarikat mereka menjadi antara yang terbaik dan diberi peluang untuk memberi perkhidmatan kepada Menara Berkembar Petronas, KLCC.
Harapan mereka menjadi kenyataan apabila 'Cuci-Cuci Services' telah dijemput untuk memasuki pertandingan mencuci tingkap Olimpik (WWO - Window Washing Olympics), sebuah pertandingan yang di selenggara oleh Citi Jasmin atau lebih dikenali sebagai CJ (Vanida Imran) - yang akan memberi perjanjian tersebut kepada pemenang.
Kebetulan pula, juara bertahan WWO adalah 'Wira Maju' sebuah syarikat yang dimiliki oleh teman lelaki CJ, iaitu WIRA (Harith Iskandar).
Sementara itu, bapa CJ, iaitu Tan Sri (Ramli Hassan) memerhati tingkah laku CJ dengan teliti kerana khuatir anak perempuannya mungkin tidak membuat pilihan yang tepat dengan mengambil WIRA sebagai pasangan hidupnya.
Hubungan antara Khai dan CJ bertambah mesra apabila mereka mula menyukai antara satu sama lain dan pada masa yang sama pembantu peribadi CJ, FARAH (Adibah Noor) pula jatuh hati pada JOJO.
Lalui suka duka, tawa dan tangisan, cinta dan kesedihan perjalanan empat beradik ini.untuk mencapai impian mereka.
Diikuti dengan musik dan lagu yang dialun bersama lirik dan melodi yang tidak dapat dilupakan oleh DOUGLAS LIM dan Pacai (@ DR SYED AHMAD FAIZAL AL-ATTAS), CUCI THE MUSICAL mengisahkan tentang empat beradik yang mengharungi segala kesukaran untuk merealisasi impian mereka akan pasti menambat hati dan jiwa para penonton.

Monday, October 12, 2009
raya with my ex.....
tajuk gempak you haha :P
yup beraya with my ex...my ex-office mate and ex-class mate...
best tul dapat berjumpe balik...macam2 story...riuh rendah bile berjumpe...
memasing dah bawak anak..kira anak buah dah bertambah huhu...
aku gak yg dok maintain..insyaAllah doakan ler aku bertemu jodoh and ada anak mcm korang sume...amiiin.. :)
tak sempat nak karang panjang2..kite tgk pic je la ek hehe..


yup beraya with my ex...my ex-office mate and ex-class mate...
best tul dapat berjumpe balik...macam2 story...riuh rendah bile berjumpe...
memasing dah bawak anak..kira anak buah dah bertambah huhu...
aku gak yg dok maintain..insyaAllah doakan ler aku bertemu jodoh and ada anak mcm korang sume...amiiin.. :)
tak sempat nak karang panjang2..kite tgk pic je la ek hehe..
Monday, October 5, 2009
Birthday Ieca and Dinner
Happy Birthday to my dear sis Ieca 3/10 :)
sabtu tengahari tu gi celebrate birthday ieca kat sunway...ingat afta celebrate tu nak gi open house kru lak..tp bile tgk jam dah lewat + jem kat sunway tak bergerak2 so terpaksa cancel...naknyer aritu alvin and mq nak belanja dinner..takut terkejar sana sini so stay ler kat sunway..sempat gi main bowling sementara tunggu nak gi dinner..hehe best2.. org dh nak belanjer kite makan je ler..sgt kenyang yer aritu ;)

sabtu tengahari tu gi celebrate birthday ieca kat sunway...ingat afta celebrate tu nak gi open house kru lak..tp bile tgk jam dah lewat + jem kat sunway tak bergerak2 so terpaksa cancel...naknyer aritu alvin and mq nak belanja dinner..takut terkejar sana sini so stay ler kat sunway..sempat gi main bowling sementara tunggu nak gi dinner..hehe best2.. org dh nak belanjer kite makan je ler..sgt kenyang yer aritu ;)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
aritu entah kenape aku boleh pilih utk tidak menengok Gossip Girls instead aku pi layan filem Sepi di TV3...seperti biasa filem arahan Khabir Bhatia mmg simple yet very touching yer..means aku sure nangis nyer bile tengok citer2 camni haha..sgt ler emo yer..hanya yg memahami akan mengerti.. :P

sepi adam..terasa bila sahabat2 dan adik telah bertemu jodoh mereka...
sepi sufi..bila kehilangan isteri dan cinta pertamanya..
sepi imaan..suka bersendirian, hidup antara ilusi dan realiti...
antara dialog..
Vanidah : Awak cari saya ker?
Afdlin : Yeah..seumur hidup saya wak..
(..dialog yg ku tunggu hingga ke saat ini huhu...)
Puisi Sepi
Bisikku pada bulan
Kembalikan temanku..kekasihku..syurgaku..
Tanpa dia
Malam menemaniku
Sepi memelukku
Bulan jangan biar siang
Biar alam ini kelam
Biar ia sepi sepertiku..
Sepi - Yuni (OST Filem Sepi)
Sepi hati terjadi lagi
Mungkin sampai mati aku sepi
Biar senyum hadir di hariku
namun ini hanya ada di bibir
di bibir saja
Aku ini yang bisa mengerti
walaupun yang lain mau mengerti
Namun berat beban hidupku
biarkan saja
Biar saja hanya ku yang tahu
Sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
Butuh kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri
Oh.. ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam
Woo.. sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
butuh kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri
Oh.. ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam
..mmg layan..and sangat mendalam maksud SEPI itu...

sepi adam..terasa bila sahabat2 dan adik telah bertemu jodoh mereka...
sepi sufi..bila kehilangan isteri dan cinta pertamanya..
sepi imaan..suka bersendirian, hidup antara ilusi dan realiti...
antara dialog..
Vanidah : Awak cari saya ker?
Afdlin : Yeah..seumur hidup saya wak..
(..dialog yg ku tunggu hingga ke saat ini huhu...)
Puisi Sepi
Bisikku pada bulan
Kembalikan temanku..kekasihku..syurgaku..
Tanpa dia
Malam menemaniku
Sepi memelukku
Bulan jangan biar siang
Biar alam ini kelam
Biar ia sepi sepertiku..
Sepi - Yuni (OST Filem Sepi)
Sepi hati terjadi lagi
Mungkin sampai mati aku sepi
Biar senyum hadir di hariku
namun ini hanya ada di bibir
di bibir saja
Aku ini yang bisa mengerti
walaupun yang lain mau mengerti
Namun berat beban hidupku
biarkan saja
Biar saja hanya ku yang tahu
Sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
Butuh kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri
Oh.. ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam
Woo.. sejarah cinta dan hidupku
penuh duri dan banyak ranjau
butuh kesabaran yang penuh
untuk tetap ku berdiri
Oh.. ada saatnya ku bicara
bila hatiku telah bulat
Sepanjang ku bisa atasi semua
aku tetap diam
..mmg layan..and sangat mendalam maksud SEPI itu...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cerita di Aidilfitri
Selamat Menyambut Aidilfitri pada semua..semoga semua ceria dan bahagia hendaknya..
So apa citer korang di hari raya..tentu ada mcm2 story kan..normal ar klau ada suka dan duka tu..hopefully sume bole berbaik2.. ;)
Tahun ni seperti biasa beraya di kampung..selepas solat Aidilfitri..buat doa selamat dan makan2 kat umah mak long..lepas tu baru ler sesi ziarah menziarahi esp saudara yg tua2..gi ziarah kubur mak..beraya dari pagi sampai ke malam..merayau dari banting, pulau indah dan akhir skali ke klang sebelum pulang semula ke KL..

dlm kemeriahan tu terima berita my sista dr Kelantan balik KL, so kitorg hari Khamis dah balik KL sbb nak jengok my sista yg buat rawatan kat Gleneagles Medical Centre..kene masuk wad, sib baik kene tahan 2 hari jer..dapat ler MC, so dpt la cuti seminggu lagi dia..bile kat KL, dpt berita makcik (adik abah) yg kat Segamat pun kene tahan kat wad gak..huhu macam2 hal lak raya kali ni..
pagi Jumaat kemas2 rumah..mlm tu jumpe someone + shopping brg dapur..hari sabtu pagi gi Gleneagles, lepas tu gi rumah nurul (bertunang+raya..) tahniah! semoga kekal hendaknyer..petang tu kuar shopping ngan family, saje kuar jenjalan sbb sume adik beradik ada kat KL..

hari ahad saudara mara belah abah datang ke rumah..+ member2 (nizam, ieca, isha&rezza and wan) kitorang kumpul dulu kat umah + lunch sebelum gerak gi open house..best gak carpool & konvoi gi beraya reramai ni hehe.. :D

selain dpt duit raya, raya tahun ni dpt present huhu (dari org yg berlainan..) thanks sudi bagi...

Isnin dah mula bekerja..huhu penat tak ilang lg...
ps: aku semakin confuse.. :P
So apa citer korang di hari raya..tentu ada mcm2 story kan..normal ar klau ada suka dan duka tu..hopefully sume bole berbaik2.. ;)
Tahun ni seperti biasa beraya di kampung..selepas solat Aidilfitri..buat doa selamat dan makan2 kat umah mak long..lepas tu baru ler sesi ziarah menziarahi esp saudara yg tua2..gi ziarah kubur mak..beraya dari pagi sampai ke malam..merayau dari banting, pulau indah dan akhir skali ke klang sebelum pulang semula ke KL..
dlm kemeriahan tu terima berita my sista dr Kelantan balik KL, so kitorg hari Khamis dah balik KL sbb nak jengok my sista yg buat rawatan kat Gleneagles Medical Centre..kene masuk wad, sib baik kene tahan 2 hari jer..dapat ler MC, so dpt la cuti seminggu lagi dia..bile kat KL, dpt berita makcik (adik abah) yg kat Segamat pun kene tahan kat wad gak..huhu macam2 hal lak raya kali ni..
pagi Jumaat kemas2 rumah..mlm tu jumpe someone + shopping brg dapur..hari sabtu pagi gi Gleneagles, lepas tu gi rumah nurul (bertunang+raya..) tahniah! semoga kekal hendaknyer..petang tu kuar shopping ngan family, saje kuar jenjalan sbb sume adik beradik ada kat KL..
hari ahad saudara mara belah abah datang ke rumah..+ member2 (nizam, ieca, isha&rezza and wan) kitorang kumpul dulu kat umah + lunch sebelum gerak gi open house..best gak carpool & konvoi gi beraya reramai ni hehe.. :D
selain dpt duit raya, raya tahun ni dpt present huhu (dari org yg berlainan..) thanks sudi bagi...
Isnin dah mula bekerja..huhu penat tak ilang lg...
ps: aku semakin confuse.. :P
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Berbuka di Rebung
13 September 2009
berkesempatan berbuka puasa with geng rkv..sekali sekala dapat berkumpul memang riuh ler jadinyer..berbuka skali dgn birthday surprise for intan..kat restoran tu ada org main ghazal so dorg siap nyanyikan lagu happy birthday + bwk cake by epul (staff + member kitorg gak hehe)..makanan ala2 kampung..surau pun ada disediakan..tapi sayang bos2 takde (chef ismail & sheikh muz) sbb dorg kat Jerman..takper majlis tetap meriah sampai pelanggan yg lain dah balik kitorang masih lepak + bergambar, buat mcm restoran sendiri yer haha..siap dapat diskaun lagi, thanks to epul..mmg best :)

berkesempatan berbuka puasa with geng rkv..sekali sekala dapat berkumpul memang riuh ler jadinyer..berbuka skali dgn birthday surprise for intan..kat restoran tu ada org main ghazal so dorg siap nyanyikan lagu happy birthday + bwk cake by epul (staff + member kitorg gak hehe)..makanan ala2 kampung..surau pun ada disediakan..tapi sayang bos2 takde (chef ismail & sheikh muz) sbb dorg kat Jerman..takper majlis tetap meriah sampai pelanggan yg lain dah balik kitorang masih lepak + bergambar, buat mcm restoran sendiri yer haha..siap dapat diskaun lagi, thanks to epul..mmg best :)
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